gesa’s avatargesa’s Twitter Archive

Popular Tweets

A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. Stone Mountain was commissioned by the Daughters of the Confederacy and sculpted by Klan member Gutzon Borglum. His next major project? Mount Rushmore. Stone Mountain must go. But I think Mount Rushmore, sculpted on Sioux land by a knight of the Ku Klux Klan, is the final boss. @mountainyid/1274182671959314439
  2. experienced programmers with many followers: tweet more about the silly mistakes you make, like forgetting to save or refreshing in prod.
  3. Oh hey everyone, guess what?! I'm hiring at Braintree. I'm hiring a LOT. I'm looking for client-side (iOS, Android, JavaScript) and server-side (JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Java, PHP, C#) developers. For the latter, esp interested in anyone who knows 1 & is interested in the rest.
  4. I am floored at how well this sign gets me. I might get a tattoo of it. (via @geekygirlsarah & @Palomafaith )
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  5. Hello JavaScript developers I just want to take a moment to tell you that basically all of @TC39 needs to google the docs for a whole bunch of js APIs like filter, map, reduce bc it's hard to keep that shit straight so don't ever feel bad for relying on the docs.
  6. Hello this is the co-chair of TC39 speaking. We specify and publish the JavaScript standard. I’m here to report that JavaScript is not intended for medicinal purposes, please speak with your doctor if you need healing cuz all we produce is sadness. 😅😘♥️ @IanColdwater/1387599363929624576?s=19
  7. Dear web developers: it’s okay to use tables for tabular data. Omg please use tables for tabular data.
  8. Hello I’m co-chair of the committee that designs and specifies JavaScript and I just had to look up what Object.assign() does bc I forgot. Happy Monday-posing-as-a Tuesday.
  9. I got mad at ridiculous(ly insecure) password requirements this weekend, so I made a thing: (submissions accepted‼️)
  10. the google diversity nonsense, in a nutshell @AaronM/893953152000507904
  11. gosh it’s almost like there’s systemic bias driving pay discrimination or something @bourreelam/906262810136649728
  12. HR exists to protect the company, not the oppressed. HR is not on your side. HR IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. HR IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. HR IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. HR IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. HR IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. HR IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. HR IS NOT ON YOUR SIDE. @polotek/1212787543713828864
  13. WE STILL HAVE CAREERS, EVERYONE! @sarahjeong/735924335412543488
  14. Big news: My contract is up at Mozilla & I’m ready to find new FT employment. Looking for a remote front-end dev?
  15. Today while my spouse was running errands, I set up an outdoor plug to be triggered 9 seconds after he manually opened his office blinds.
  16. The only violent game we were allowed to play in the 386 era was Wolfenstein. Why? bc killing Nazis was, at the time, entirely non-controversial. @Foone/1200515114752864256
  17. Exciting/terrifying news! Myself (@PayPalEng / @braintree), @bterlson (@Microsoft), and @ioctaptceb (@mozilla) were just unanimously elected co-chairs of @TC39 next year. 🥳😨🥳😳🎉
  18. Looked cute. Definitely will not delete later.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  19. We did it. We’re *that* house this year.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API