I haven’t eaten in days and it would be disingenuous to say I am “hungry” as my stomach is basically paralyzed but jfc I crave food and would do terrible things for a Totino’s party pizza.
I’ve been trying to re-introduce food, but it’s not going v well. Even staying what I disaffectionately refer to as “the beige diet”. Low fat so nothing fun, no dietary fiber so nothing healthy. Mostly crackers, a half dozen per day or so.
Pro tip for my fellow #Zebras: if you have the room in your stomach, Ensure is made borderline tolerable when blended with ice cubes. Borderline.
The conflicting information the literature provides is just the best. I’m on like idek a few hundred calories per day? But also I need to be exercising. So I have been, but also like I almost fainted a half mile from my house last night while working out. #edsproblems
I’m approaching the weight on my driver’s license 😂😂😂
Did you know that when you haven’t really digested in almost three weeks, you can actually feel your small intestines start working, however subtly‽ It’s very neat. Related: I got to eat a small breakfast today!!
On the note of my love for a certain Totino’s product, today @JulissaJM shared with me what is my new favorite SNL sketch and now my face is tingling. youtube.com/watch?v=A4kpVO56OBU
I just ate what was, without a doubt, the best mochi of my entire life. Sure, it was tiny, and slightly freezer-burned as I found its box had slipped behind the drawer, and I should have saved that limited stomach space for greater nutrition, but omfg was it safistfying.
Omg i started a new medication today and within hours my stomach was digesting. Is this the end of our long national nightmare? IS THAT TOTINO’S PARTY PIZZA IN MY FUTURE‽‽
I had a little homemade breakfast sandwich yesterday and a single serving of pasta with a teeny bit of broccoli & cheese sauce last night and this was all a mistake and now I am back on Boost. ☹️
This beverage, available in Germany, looks like it’ll get me through the next two weeks. 💔 So sad I will miss out on the amazing vegan @jsconfeu food 😭😭😭
There is a frozen yogurt truck again this year at #CSSconfEU which, if you weren’t aware, IS LIQUID DIET FRIENDLY 🎉🎉🎉
Deep fried cheese. That’s… liquid… …right?
I’m going to be so full of regret and cheese.
I’m getting to a place of regularly eating real food again and it’s so wonderful. I’m still constrained on mass/volume and nutrients, but I sure just eat an egg sandwich that rocked my world.
I legit don’t know if I’ll ever be able to eat *dinner* again (without abundant agony and regret) but egg sandwiches are great.
Look I’m not gonna say *no* regrets (I should have stopped at half a pizza, not the whole thing like I usually eat) but goddamn that was the indulgence of two months worth of cravings and so so delicious.